
Dean Hole C of E

Primary School

Friends of Caunton

We are very lucky at Dean Hole to have a committee of parents, staff and other village members that work together to raise funds and arrange social events for the school community. This committee is called the Friends of Caunton.


The Friends of Caunton work together with St.Andrew's church to arrange the Christmas and Summer Fairs. In addition to this we have an Easter/Spring Fair, discos, and other social events. The funds raised by these events are used in a number of ways to enhance what we offer to our pupils and their families. Below are some examples of how the school has been supported in recent years by the Friends of Caunton:

  • support to pay for trips and buses
  • new equipment for the EYFS outdoors area
  • new equipment for the EYFS classroom
  • new role play area for KS1 classroom
  • new notice board
  • funding treat days for Year 2 leavers and Year 6 leavers
  • funding of Year 6 leaver's gifts
  • raising funds for the forest schooling area development
  • raising funds for the spiritual and sensory outdoor area project


We are always looking for new volunteers to join the Friends of Caunton....come and join us!




We are excited to announce a generous donation of scooter accessories including scooter helmets, from Micro Scooters. Micro Scooters are the number one choice for quality kids scooters and toddler scooters, making getting from A to B faster, cleaner, greener, healthier, and more enjoyable.
