
Dean Hole C of E

Primary School

School Meals - £2.95 per pupil per day from 4th December 2023

Bespoke winter menu 24/25

 From 4th December 2023 the cost of a pupil meal is £2.95 per day - £14.75 each week.  This is payable weekly, monthly or half termly, whichever suits the parent.   Online payments are preferred, however where this isn't possible we can take cash payment. Parents are also able to pay through their ParentPay accounts


Adult meal is - £3.54


Our bank account details are:-

Barclays Bank


Payee  -  Nottinghamshire County Council Re Dean Hole C of E Pri

A/C no. 93278115

Sort Code  -  20-63-36

Free School Meals & Milk Information & Qualifying Benefits




School Dinner Money Protocol 2017

Universal Free School Meals Application
