
Dean Hole C of E

Primary School

Key Information

Daily / Weekly Routines:


  • At 8.45am – a member of staff will be on duty out in the playground to greet the children.
  • Once inside the classroom, the children should quickly settle down to a short morning activity
  • The register will be taken at 9am.
  • The children will be involved with daily worship each morning and celebration assembly each Friday.
  • Lunchtime begins at 12noon where we begin with a short prayer before the children enjoy either sandwiches or delicious meal cooked by our school cook Sharon.
  • At 3:30pm, the class will be dismissed at the gate. Please ensure that if you are running late or any changes are made for pick-up, this is communicated in advance to the office.
  • Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please send your children into school dressed for PE on these days.


Please note that for health and safety reasons children must remove all jewellery for PE sessions. This includes stud earrings so it is advisable for your child to avoid wearing earrings on PE days.


Personal Belongings:


  • The children will need to bring a filled water bottle each day that goes home to be washed each day. Please ensure that water bottles are labelled with your child’s name.
  • A healthy snack can be brought for break time.
  • Please ensure that all items of clothing are named including PE kits and jumpers/cardigans.
  • Reading book and reading diary
  • Homework book.



Home – School Learning:


Reading – At Dean Hole C of E Primary School, we really value the power of reading and how reading will help you to ‘magpie’ new vocabulary, figurative language and story ideas, to become a confident and skilled writer. Your child will be issued with a reading diary where you will be able to record your comments about your child’s reading. In order for your child to benefit from this, there is an expectation that children read at least three times a week and ask that an adult signs the record to confirm this has been completed.


We are looking out for ‘Remarkable Readers’! A remarkable reader is a child who reads at least 3 times a week at home to get a stamp in their reading record. After every 5 stamps, children will receive a remarkable reader prize.



Homework will be sent home on a Friday and all homework should be due in on the following Wednesday. Children are encouraged to bring their homework in as they complete it. Homework will be varied and may include a Maths / English / Science / Research activity.


Spellings –These will be sent home on a Friday every week and your child will be asked to learn spellings involving a particular spelling rule, ready for a weekly test. On occasions, your child will be asked to learn tricky words which do not easily follow a spelling rule/pattern. These words and spelling patterns are taken from the National Curriculum.

